A Republic, if you can keep it

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I got an e-mail from JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP (JPFO) today that I thought was pretty interesting. It suggest that you prison proof yourself. I'm sure most folks would say they are not violating any laws so they don't have to worry about being sent to prison.Good, I hope your not, but are you sure that someone couldn't set you up and send you down? I'm thinking it has happened to some law abiding folks in the past. Just suppose the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, (BATFE) accused you of having an illegal unregistered machine gun, could you prove them wrong? JPFO has an idea that might help you do that, and it will give you a reason for spending a little time out at the shooting range.


America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

July 28th 2008


A Message from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

"Prison-Proof" Yourself Now, While You Still Can!
Copyright 2008 JPFO.ORG.

Do you shoot at a public range?

Can your neighbors and others _hear_ you shooting?

If so, then you _must_ read this alert and take action today!

By now you will have heard about David Olofson, who loaned his
semiautomatic AR15 rifle to an unsavory character working with the
federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, a
runaway rogue agency the very existence of which is a violation of
the Constitution.

The BATFE claimed the rifle was "an unregistered machine gun" --
after they _engineered_ it to fire fully automatically, using their
choice of specially-selected ammunition, not the owner's. Now
Olofson is sitting in a prison cell because these government
subsidized criminals were free to use their own specialized
"justice system" to "make an example" of one innocent gun owner in
order to terrorize many more.

Now they're claiming that _any_ gun that is worn or broken and
will fire more than one cartridge with a single pull of the trigger
-- even a damaged side-by-side or over-under shotgun -- constitutes
a "machinegun".

Those of you who have viewed JPFO's video presentation, _BATFE
Fails the Test_ already know the dirty tricks and outright lies
that the agency routinely uses to make a conviction. John Glover,
another innocent gun owner, was fortunate to have a brilliant
attorney who demanded the BATFE's "testing" of his client's firearm
be videotaped. The result was a thoroughly embarrassing documentary
of the BATFE's dishonesty and incompetence. After it was viewed by
a federal prosecutor, the case against Glover never went to trial;
the BATFE lost.

Olofson, on the other hand, had only a federal public defender
to rely on, not knowledgeable counsel who insisted on a visual
recording of the defendant's rifle operating _before_ the BATFE
could reengineer it. The Liberty Crew at JPFO do not want their
friends to go to prison, so they've done a little engineering of
their own, creating a plan you can follow to help prevent the BATFE
from making you its next victim.

Here is what you need to do -- at minimum -- today!

Purchase, borrow, or rent a video camera and make a recording of
the operation of each weapon you own that might be reengineered to
fire more than once with a single pull of the trigger. You probably
don't need to worry about single-shot shotguns, rifles, or pistols.
Slide-action or bolt-action rifles and shotguns are probably okay,
as well.

Start by calling out the date, time, place of the test.

Call out serial number, model, and manufacturer, and show the
weapon to camera.

Show the labels of any ammunition you use; call out the maker's

Then demonstrate the weapon firing.

Demonstrate its operation at every possible setting of the
safety selector, marked or otherwise. If you only have "safe" or
"fire", show that the weapon will not go to any "unmarked
position". CETMEs, H&Ks, FN-FALs, or others may have a marked "A"
position. Demonstrate that it allows nothing more than a single
shot fired for each pull of the trigger.

Never forget that the BATFE is claiming that _any_ gun -- even
your great-granddad's ancient double-barrelled Damascus shotgun --
that will fire twice or more with a single trigger-pull is a

After videotaping the test, make copies for trusted friends and
family members, give one to your attorney, mail a copy to yourself.
Do not open the envelope, but keep it in a very secure space
outside your home.

Yes, whatever ammunition you use testing your firearm for the
video camera will cost you money, but it's cheaper than having to
sell your gun collection, or remortgaging your house, to pay legal
bills, and it could stop a federal prosecutor -- or the BATFE -- in
its tracks.

If, on the other hand, this whole routine -- or the necessity
for it -- strikes you as silly or insane, there's something else
you can do.

Join JPFO today.

Learn more about the BATFE by watching the JPFO video _The
, a presentation
that exposes the criminality and brutality of this dangerous
runaway rogue agency.

Listen to firearms expert Len Savage on JPFO's "Talkin to America", discuss
how David Olofson was framed and how this endangers every American
gun owner.

Best of all, help the Liberty Crew end this sorry state of
affairs once and for all by abolishing the BATFE, and by repealing,
nullifying or otherwise disposing of each and every gun law,
federal, state, or local, that infringes upon the right of the
people to keep and bear arms.

The Liberty Crew"


There is something else. Suppose the BATFE never comes after you (I pray they don't) if you followed JPFO's suggestion you now have a video showing you with your legally owned firearms calling out the weapons serial and model numbers. This could be useful if you are ever the victim of theft or fire.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Question Of The Week, 7/27/08

Good morning. I guess I should be saying good afternoon, I'm running a little late. I have a good reason though. I went to work at 15:00 yesterday, worked an eight hour shift and my relief didn't show up. Our contract & company policy say I have to stay over for two hours in a case like this. I figure if I'm going to stay over I might as well make it worth while so I stay as long as the contract allows, four hours. I'm dragging today and I haven't even got the paper read so this weeks question will be one of my own.

As far as I know (Like I said I haven't read the paper yet) neither McCain or Obama have named their running mates (Choice for Vice President) yet. This weeks Question Of The Week is. Just how important is that to you? Could their choice of running mates effect your decision on voting for, or not voting for one of the two major/mainstream Presidential candidates?

I'll post my answer in the Comment Section Tuesday morning.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Coburn Omnibus Of More Irresponsible Spending

I was just reading an interesting column by Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media, "Senate Vote on More Money for U.N.". The column says, "Having failed to stop the irresponsible $50 billion global AIDS bill, Senate conservatives are now being given a second chance. Can they stand up to Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid and block the so-called Coburn Omnibus of more irresponsible spending? Reid jokingly named the bill after the Oklahoma Republican Senator, Tom Coburn, who has prevented dozens of excessive federal spending bills from passing the Senate. But Reid is actually titling the bill “Advancing America’s Priorities.” (Continue Reading) I wonder if our Senators will take the time to read this 398 page bill, a gift to the United Nations? If Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid's plan works and this piece of work is passed without adequate debate it will cost us no less than $11 billion. This is one more reason for us to contact our elected officials and urge them to sign on as a sponsor to the Read The Bills Act. I don't know about you but I don't feel that expecting them to read the bills they vote on and pass is asking to much of our members of congress.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
Accuracy In Media
Downsize D.C.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Your Opinion Counts

The National Alliance of Families and I would like to know if you feel the Department of Defense POW/MIA Recognition Day Poster Properly Represents the Issue of Live POWs and MIAs? Please take a look at the poster and cast your vote.

That was not this weeks Question Of The Week. There is still time to answer that too if you'd like. (Continue Reading)

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The National Alliance of Families

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Question Of The Week, 7/20/08

Good morning, I had to put some gas in the truck this past Wednesday. I say put some gas in it because filling it up is now just a memory from the good ole days when we could get a gallon of gas for $3.00. Yes I remember it being lower than that but if you claim you can remember paying 29 cents a gallon some folks think your lying. In Saint Joseph, Missouri mid-range gas was $4.03 per gallon this past Wednesday. I've seen a couple of interesting articles on the energy crisis and drilling for oil this past week. This weeks Question Of The Week is. Do you support or oppose off shore drilling?

I'll post my answer in the Comment Section Tuesday morning.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The Hill

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Who Are These Bible Thumpers?

I just read an e-mail that tells about an interesting article that has been posted at the Constitution Party's (And My) candidate for Governor of the State of Missouri. The article tells about some folks that have been labeled Bible Thumper. "When someone makes the statement “Bible Thumper“, they refer to a Bible-believing Christian in a negative way. Yet, I feel great joy in my hope that they are talking about me." (Continue Reading)

If we go out and purchase a new vehicle or appliance it comes with a booklet that we really should read before operating that new vehicle or appliance, the owner operators manual. I feel that God made an owner operators manual available to help us through our time here on earth. It contains the answer to every problem we could possibly face. That would be the Bible. Just like the manufacturer of the new vehicle or appliance God leaves using or not using the manual up to us. The manufacturer of the new vehicle or appliance tells us that we should follow the instructions in their manual to get the maximum enjoyment from the new vehicle or appliance. I feel that following the instructions God gives us in the Bible will give us the maximum enjoyment out of our time here on earth and beyond.

Is it just me or do some of our elected officials seem to be ashamed to mention the Bible or call on God for help and guidance? Maybe they feel it is a sign of weakness. The Bible tells us how God feels about us being ashamed to mention his name. We need leaders that have the courage it takes to openly call on God and ask him to lead us back up this slope we've been going down. With God's help and guidance we will have the Great Republic our Founding Fathers intended to leave us.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Question Of The Week 7/13/08

Good morning. I'm sorry for not getting out to visit your sites as often as I should/I'd like to. This has been a busy week, family stuff mostly. I haven't even made it to my own site since I answered last weeks question. As if things weren't bad enough already, yesterday I got an e-mail from the National Alliance of Families. The subject line read "Sad News - Col. Earl Hopper". One of those knew it was coming things,that we hope and pray somehow never will. "Col. Earl P. Hopper, father of POW/MIA Earl P. Hopper Jr., passed early this morning. Earl, head of Task Force Omega Inc., and former head of the National League of Families, was a veteran of World War II, Korea and Vietnam. He was an ardent advocate for our POWs and MIAs and will be sorely missed.

To his wife, Patty and the Hopper family we offer our deepest sympathy.

As soon as we here about arrangements, we will let everyone know." The Colonel was one of the most interesting people I have ever met. A three war Veteran and Father of a POW/MIA/(?) A true patriot. One of our Grand-Daughters wears a POW/MIA bracelet with his Son's name on it. I got to hear the Colonel speak several times over the years. One time he said every where he went people ask him what kept him going. They told him he should just give up, it had been to long, all of our POW/MIA's were dead by now. I won't give you his answer until I post my answer to this weeks Question Of The Week which is In Memory Of Colonel Earl Hopper U.S.M.C. (Ret.). Why are you politically active (Why do you post messages or contact your elected officials about issues that are important to you)?

I'll post my answer in the Comment Section Tuesday morning.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The National Alliance of Families

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Question Of The Week, 7/6/08

Good morning. I kind of got the feeling that the media is still celebrating Independence Day. I couldn't find anything that I was satisfied with to use for this weeks question. So this week it will be something that just popped into my head and brought back a memory. I feel safe in saying that all of the political parties have web sites where we can find information about each party, including the party's platform. All of the candidates have their own web sites with information on where each of them stand on important issues. This weeks Question Of The Week is. Does the majority of voters put these tools to use or do they feel they can get all the information they need from their local paper and the nightly news?

I'll post my answer in the Comment Section Tuesday morning.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Constitution Party of Missouri Regains Ballot Access for 2008 !

I got busy helping get things ready for our Independence Day guest/cook out and didn't post a message about a press release that was e-mailed to my Wife and I on July 3, 2008. (Continue Reading) Add that list of candidates to the Constitution Party's' candidates for President and Vice President (Continue Reading) and the party's platform (Continue Reading) and Missourians will truly have an opportunity to vote for change. This news couldn't have come at a much better time. Independence Day weekend and Missourians are free from the so called two party system.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The Constitution Party
The Constitution Party Of Missouri

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Will The Real Mr. Obama Please Stand Up

In the last couple of days I've read a couple of articles that reminded me of an old television game show and for the life of me I can't remember the name of the program. If I remember right three or four contestants were supposed to try to stump the panel. The panel was supposed to figure out which contestant was the one they heard a little bit about at the beginning of the program. After the panel finished their questioning and cast their vote the show host said will the real Mr. or Mrs. (John Q. Public?) please stand up. I have heard that, "Many activists are outraged by the Senator's recent announcement that he will back a controversial bill to grant the Executive more spying powers and immunize telephone companies accused of illegal surveillance." (Continue Reading) They should be "outraged" many of them have sent checks to support the Obama campaign.Obama seems to have changed his position on an issue that is important to them as it should be. Maybe he didn't change his position, he might have refined his policy. (Continue Reading) Is it just me or is it becoming more difficult to keep track of where Obama stands on some issues? I am not now and never have been an Obama supporter. I'm thinking that someone in his camp needs to ask, the real Mr. Obama to please stand up.

Before closing I want to wish you a Safe and Happy Independence Day 2008.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The Nation
The Caucus

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Independence Day 2008

Some of you might be going away for the Holiday weekend so it's not to early to post this. It's not Sunday but this is an interesting question if you care to answer it. "If our nation's Founders could visit us on this, our 232nd Independence Day, what would they make of us? What would they declare of us?" (Continue Reading) I feel Independence Day is one of our most important holidays. I also feel it's true meaning could be forgotten if we don't make an effort to teach our young family members what the day is about. It's not just picnics and fireworks but I did mention them last year about this time. (Continue Reading)Feel free to answer last years question if you'd like. At that time I also mentioned the recipe for my world famous (HA!)David's Independence Day Burgers. In case you missed that.

David's Independence Day Burgers.

Start out like you were going to make Classic Lipton Burgers:
1 pouch Lipton Onion Recipe Soup
1 1/2 lbs lean ground beef 750 g

Combine Lipton Onion Soup with ground beef. Shape into 6 patties. Keep patties cold until your ready to grill. Fry six eggs (hard), keep them warm. Fry 12 strips of bacon, crisp, keep them warm. Slice cheese and tomatoes for each patty, keep cool. You need cool lettuce leaves ready. Grill burgers to suit taste. Serve on a bun topped with two strips of bacon, one egg,lettuce, sliced cheese and tomatoes. Don't let your doctor know you eat like this.

I hope you and your family find a way to make our country's 232nd Birthday a special one. I also want to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Independence Day

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The Patriot Post

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

China &Cuba Searching For Oil? (Just A Thought)

First I heard that my United States Representative (Sam Graves) and a few other folks have claimed that China is drilling for oil right off the coast of the United States. Then I heard that China and Cuba had teamed up and were searching for oil. Then I heard that this was all rumor and I should not be concerned all I had to do was support Kay Barnes in the up coming election and everything would be alright. (Continue Reading) I don't know about you but I can't help but be concerned after hearing about a China/Cuba partnership.

I was concerned enough to see if I could find anything about a China/Cuba partnership in Granma International (A Cuban Publication). I didn't find anything that comes right out and mentions oil exploration off the coast of the United States, or anywhere else. I did find several articles that mention China. The first of them,"High-ranking Chinese political leader in Cuba" dated June 20, 2008 tells about He Guoquiang, a member of the Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and secretary of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Commission of Disciplinary Control visiting the island (Cuba). He was to attend meetings where economic and scientific matters would be discussed. I'd guess oil could be mentioned at a meeting on economic and scientific issues. (Continue Reading)

The second article, "Raúl receives Chinese delegation" tells about the signing of an economic and technical cooperation agreement between the two countries. (Continue Reading) Once again I'm thinking that could include oil exploration. The article leads me to believe that everyone involved in the meetings would like to see the relationship between the two countries grow stronger.

The June 25, 2008 article, "Fidel receives outstanding leader of the Communist Party of China" seems to cover everything from Fidel's health to the Olympic Games (Continue Reading) except oil exploration.

In the last of the articles, "Chinese leader satisfied with visit to Cuba¡" He Guogiang says good bye to Cuba and promises to return one day, but still doesn't mention oil exploration. (Continue Reading)

I don't know if China and Cuba have formed a partnership to search for oil or not. I feel pretty safe in saying that China and Cuba have formed a relationship that the leaders of both countries want to strengthen. That is something I feel we should all be very concerned about. I'm old enough to remember another time when Cuba was involved in a relationship with a larger more powerful country. That relationship brought us the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Continue Reading) I'm not to sure that todays leaders could get us out of something like that. I can't say that I'd heard a word about this China/Cuba relationship before I started looking into the China-Cuba oil exploration claims. Maybe I missed the news reports. I can't believe that I'm the only one that feels this needs some attention. I really don't think China is getting ready to put a missile base on the island but there are other possibilities. Go ahead and call me paranoid if you'd like. What if China and Cuba were to become such close friends that Cuba would agree to allow China to put a military instillation on the island. A new home for a thousand or so elite ground troops. Just a short hop from the Florida coast. To close for me. No matter what Wal-Mart says I'm not convinced that China is our friend.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Thanks Go To:
Prime Buzz
Granma International
History and Politics Out Loud