A Republic, if you can keep it

Monday, March 16, 2009

You Might Be A Terrorist If... Updated 3/17/09

I've managed to lose the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) report (Interesting reading if you can find it) that is mentioned in a recent column posted at the Constitution Party web site. The column says (According to the report) you might be a potential domestic terrorist if you support the Constitution, oppose unlawful taxation, supported 2008 presidential candidates Republican Ron Paul, Libertarian Bob Barr or Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin or if you are opposed to abortion, are against unconstitutional gun control, if you display pro-Constitution bumper stickers or own copies of certain books and documentaries (Continue Reading).

I'm a member of the Constitution Party and yes I have a CP bumper sticker on the back of my pickup. I support the Constitution 100%. I was put up for adoption at birth, that should tell you how I feel about abortion. I support Gun Owners Of America and JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION
. There are a lot more books and documentaries that I'd like to have but I'm out of work. I'm thinking I might be a potential domestic terrorist according to the MIAC Report, maybe you are too? I won't let the idea of being labeled a potential domestic terrorist change my position on the issues listed above. I know I'm not planning on carrying out a terrorist attack unless posting a message here, writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper or contacting my elected officials to express my opinion on the issues is considered to be a terrorist attack.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The Constitution Party

3/17/09 Update

There is a link to the MIAC Report in Chuck Baldwin's most recent column. I feel you will find reading it worth your time and trouble.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
Chuck Baldwin Live

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Home Schools Are Under Attack, again

An e-mail alert from the Constitution Party Of Missouri drew my attention to an attack on a North Carolina home school.

Dear Constitutional Patriots,

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take the time to read this. Our liberties are being taken away 1 by 1 and this is a GIANT leap. The story can be found at.

If you feel inclined to call this Judge, as I did, the # is (919) 792-4800. The receptionist advised me to put my complaints in writing, which I will also do, and send it to:

Judge Ned Mangum
P.O. Box 351
Raleigh, NC 27602

It is my hope that so many people call that # expressing their desire to speak to that judge about his decision that the whole world knows our intent to fight vigorously to defend the right of the citizens and parents of this nation to choose for themselves what is the best education for their children.

Please check out Education in the Constitution Party Platform.
Stand for Truth, Stand for Change, Stand with Us.

Don Hosfeld
City of St. Louis Chapter
Constitution Party of Missouri

I don't see anything in North Carolina's Home Schooling laws that lead me to believe Ms. Mills did anything wrong. I feel if anyone violated the law it is Judge Ned Mangum of Wake County, North Carolina. "“It is the public policy of the State in matters of education that “No human authority shall, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience’, or with religious liberty and that religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind ... the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” N.C. Gen. Stat. § 115C-547.". He has interfered with Ms. Mills rights of conscience and her children's education. If his ruling is allowed to stand Home Schools nation wide will soon fall under attack, if it works for one judge in one state it will catch on and spread. Please use the contact information found above to urge Judge Ned Mangum to reverse his decision and allow the Mills children to continue getting a good education.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
The Constitution Party Of Missouri
World Net Daily
Home School Legal Defense Association

Monday, March 09, 2009

War Clouds On The Horizon?

Looking for work and some other family issues are still taking a lot of time that I would normally use to post messages here. Sometimes it's even hard to keep up with whats going on with the rest of the world but I read something today that got my attention.

I feel I'm pretty safe in saying everyone knows North Korea has announced it's plan to launch a satellite and that Japan and the United States feel the launch could actually be a long range missile test. North Korea has issued a statement saying that any attempt to shoot their satellite (If that's what it is) down will result in war (Continue Reading).

Any time that I hear about something like this happening in the Asia/Pacific region I find myself wondering what way will China lean if the situation escalates. I feel that the news of Chinese naval vessels harassing the USNS Impeccable should answer that question (Continue Reading).

Now I'm thinking that I recall (I could be mistaken) Joe Biden making a statement about Obama being tested by a foreign power in the first few months of his presidency. If this is that test it is one that we can not afford to fail.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thanks go to:
BBC News