A Republic, if you can keep it

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Lost Liberty Hotel

I try to listen to Jerry Hughes program on Accent Radio Network every time it's on. Jerry never fails to deliver a very interesting program. Some of you may have heard of one of the guest he had on the air today. Logan Darrow Clements, the man that came up with the idea of building the Lost Liberty Hotel on land owned by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter after the Kelo vs. City Of New London decision/land grab. While listening to today's program I found out that Mr. Clements has a web site, Lost Liberty Hotel. Anyone that is concerned about the loss of property rights (if your a United States citizen you should be) should find Lost Liberty Hotel very interesting. I do hope you will take the time to check it out

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Gas Prices In Your Area Update, 8/31/05

I'm sure none of us were surprised by the increase in gasoline since Katrina came ashore. I hope all of you will remember the storms victims in your thoughts and prayers. I didn't fill the tank when I was out today but I did notice the prices. Unleaded regular was selling for $2.89 per gallon in Saint Joseph, Missouri today. That would be a 34 cent increase since last week. I also noticed an increase in prices when I was in the grocery store, I assume that is because of the increase of transportation cost. Please leave a comment to let us know what your paying for gas in your area.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Question Of The Week, 8/28/05

I found this Newsday.com article while I was trying to come up with this weeks question. I feel most United States citizens think something needs to be done about our lax immigration policy and our wide open borders. Two Arizona politicians have come up with plans (mentioned in the article) to solve the problem. So, this weeks Question Of The Week is, Would you be more likely to support the plan offered by Sen. Jon Kyl or the bill that was sponsored by Senators Kennedy and McCain? I'll post my answer in the comment section Monday.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Sent A Message

I recently sent a message to both of my United States Senators and my United States Representative urging them to meet with Mr. Jim Babka, President of DownsizeDC.org on September 20 or 21 to learn more about the Read The Bills Act of 2005,a piece of legislation that I feel could restore some United States citizens faith in our elected officials. If you haven't read it I hope you will. If it is something you feel you would support DownsizeDC.org has provided a pre-written message (which you can edit) you can use to contact your elected officials and ask them to meet with Mr. Babka to learn more about the bill.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Kerry/McCain and The POWs We Left Behind

Chuck and Mary Schantag from the P.O.W. Network e-mailed me a copy of a Frontpage Magazine interview. The interviews guest, Michael D. Benge was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam from 1968 until 1973. I had read about him before so part of the interview wasn't new information. Since I recently read about the possibility of a Kerry/McCain or McCain/Kerry ticket in the next presidential campaign (again)I thought the comments Mr. Benge makes about the two of them in this interview were very interesting and I wanted to share it with you. I don't think there will ever be a McCain/Kerry campaign, but I could be wrong. If I am it shouldn't be to hard for me to find a different set of candidates to support.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Gas Prices In Your Area Update, 8/24/05

We just got back from doing some weekly shopping. Gasoline prices are down a little from last week, today mid-grade un-leaded cost $2.55 per gallon. Please leave a message in the comment section telling what you are paying in your area.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Waste Not Want Not

"Waste Not Want Not", I bet you have all heard that before. It is good advice, and it is also the suject of the latest issue of my United States Representative Sam Graves (R-MO)news letter, 'Straight Talk With Sam'. I'd like to share it with you.


Drug Reuse

Waste not, want not. Most of us learned that bit of advice from our parents, who learned it from their parents. I find myself reminding my children that they need to clean their plates, because there are children in the world who go to bed starving each night.

That is why throwing away perfectly good drugs that others could use, does not make any sense to me. Many nursing homes have left over drugs because a patient moves or their medication is changed. These unused drugs are often simply thrown away.

A study by the Journal of Family Medicine in 2001 estimated that $1 billion a year in drugs prescribed to the elderly are thrown away each year.A reuse program would be safe because drugs used at nursing homes are different than those sold to the general public. Nursing homes buy individually packaged drugs that have a lot number, an expirationdate and are sealed in tamper resistant blister packs.

Good old fashioned Missouri common sense tells me that we should not throw away drugs that can be reused. Several states, including Missouri, have some kind of reuse program. During the month of August, I will be traveling the district to talk with nursing homes and pharmacies about the drug reuse concept. I hope to introduce federal legislation this fall.

If implemented on a national level this program could produce dramatic results. Reducing the number of drug purchases by Medicaid and Medicare would save taxpayers' money. Waste not, want not, some advice is timeless.


Sam Graves
Member of Congress

This sounds good to me, but I have a feeling Sam is going to need some help with this. How do you think the big pharmaceutical companys will react to Sams plan. If he does introduce this legislation (I'll let you know if I hear he does)I hope you will contact your elected officials and urge them to support it.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Question Of The Week, 8/21/05

Good morning. This weeks question has to do with something that is a hot spot/topic/issue with me. Today is the thirteenth anniversary of a tragic event that took place in our country, so this weeks Question Of The Week will be a little history test. What action taken by United States Federal agents on August 21, 1992 caused some United States citizens to wonder how safe and free they really were? I'll post my answer in the comment section Monday.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Friday, August 19, 2005

An Old Friend

Jeffrey Bennett, an old friend, web site host/publisher ran into some problems almost two months ago. I've been checking his site from time to time to see if he was back up and running. I was just there and I am happy to report that he is back. I hope you will pay his site a visit to check out some interesting reading.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Why Are Gas Prices So High?

I read an Austin American-Statesman article that tries to explain why you are spending so much to fill your tank. I feel I already knew the answer. Greed.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Gas Prices In Your Area Update, 8/17/05

We just got home from getting gasoline, today's price for mid grade was $2.65 per gallon in Saint Joseph, Missouri. A little above average according to this Kansas City Star article and a lot more than it was last week. The bad news is my wife went in to pay while I was filling the tank. The cashier told her prices could go up to $3.00 per gallon in the next two days. Please go to the comment section and let us know what the gas prices are in your area.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Stop Breed Bans!!!

I just got an instant message from my Daughter in Portland, Oregon. She wanted to share some information with me. It looks like the state of California now wants to tell it's residents what breeds of dogs they can and cannot have and some of the residents are speaking out. Linda Blair, a Pit owner was there for the protest. First they come for your gun's, now they come for your dog's. What's next? I'm sure the supporters of California's S.B.861 would like you to believe that all Pit Bulls and Rottweilers along with a few other breeds are natural born killers. If you'll go for that one I'm afraid that you would go for stereo typing humans based on their race. I'm sure we have all seen that done and know it is wrong, it's no different with dogs. It's all about how they are raised (trained) and cared for. I used to have a Rottweiler,(RIP Patriot, you are missed and thought of often)when I did I was not afraid to leave our three year old Grand Daughter in the run alone with him while I stepped away (out of site) to fill food and water containers. My Daughter is the Pit person in the family, you can check her site out at www.odnarb.com or http://odnarb.blogspot.com She has a few breeds of dogs, well trained and cared for. I have been around other friends Pit Bulls, the only thing I had to worry about was being slobbered on. If you live in California I suggest you contact your elected officials and urge them to oppose this legislation even if your dog is not one of the so called killer breeds. Like I said what's next, could be the breed of dog you do have. If you don't live in California but have friends or family that do please contact them and urge them to get involved in stopping this. Just think, if it is passed in California one of the law makers in your state might like it and want to bring it home.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What An Idea

I've been trying to find a United Nations report that is mentioned in this article that says. "At its July meeting on gun running, the United Nations released a report estimating that 500,000 people have died over the past decade from injuries caused by small weapons or guns used in crimes or military attacks. Children are frequent victims, the UN report said." So far I haven't been able to find a copy of the report. I'd like to see if it compares the number of people that were killed in parts of the world that have strict gun control laws (where law abiding citizens are unarmed but the criminals aren't) to places where the gun laws are "too lax?" The article also mentions a bill that I plan on looking into, S. 1488, The Second Amendment Protection Act Of 2005. "Under the Vitter bill, the United States would be barred from providing financing to the United Nations unless the president of the United States certifies that the United Nations "has not taken action to restrict, attempt to restrict, or otherwise adversely infringed upon the rights of individuals in the United States to possess a firearm or ammunition...". Cut off funding to an organization that would infringe upon our rights, what an idea. So far I like it.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Question Of The Week, 8/14/05

I hadn't been doing much as far as reading or listening to the news went this week end.We have been celebrating my Birthday,(That was yesterday) so I hadn't given much thought to this weeks question . When I did start checking the news wires to get an idea I noticed that there was another celebration taking place. This is one of many articles telling about the 70th Birthday (I'm a little younger than that) of Social Security. It says, "AARP also marked Social Security's birthday with the release of a new poll showing that not only has public confidence in Social Security increased in recent years, but the program has also surpassed pensions and savings as the top source of income Americans expect to rely on in retirement." So, this weeks Question Of The Week is. Do you think you will be able to rely on Social Security to take care of you when you reach retirement age? I will post my answer in the comment section Monday.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Gas Price In Your Area Update, 8/11/05

Last Wednesday I said I wanted to start updating this each week. Since then I found this article that says "Gas Prices Break Records". When it was published the national average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $2.376. The article didn't make it sound like prices would be dropping any time soon. Most of the time I fill the tank on Wednesday afternoon, that's when I get paid. Yesterday we were busy and didn't get around to getting gas but I did notice prices while we were running around, mid grade was $2.35 a gallon. When I went to work at 11:PM I still had enough gas so I decided to let it go until this morning. For once putting it off paid off, when I stopped to fill up this morning I paid $2.28 per gallon for mid grade in Saint Joseph, Missouri. Please leave a comment to let us know what your paying in your area.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Missing Something (A little strange)

I read a lot of articles about private citizens using legally owned firearms to defend themselves and their property. You have to make an effort to find them since it's one of the things the news media would rather not report even though it happens a couple of million times a year. I thought this one was a little strange since the would be burglar told police he had recently been released from prison for sexual assault. The article makes it sound like the police don't know anything about that. I thought law enforcement was supposed to be doing more now to keep track of sexual predators.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I found an articleabout an ACLU loss that I wanted to share with you. Then I started having some problems with my hyperlink icon. I might have that taken care of. So this post is a test to see if things are working right. If they are you can read an article about an ACLU loss.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic


I haven't posted anything since Sunday because my hyperlink icon isn't working. Hope to get it together again soon. Keep checking back, if you have any ideas leave a comment.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Question Of The Week, 8/7/05

Since yesterday was the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima I went to work knowing what today's question would be. When I got home tonight I was really surprised to find that there wasn't much more than this at Newsday.com telling about all the protest and memorial events that took place. Like I said I was at work so you might have read, watched or heard something that I missed. So the Question Of The Week is, Do you feel it was wrong for the United States to use an atomic weapon to end the war with Japan knowing that it would cause civilians to lose their lives? I will post my answer in the comment section Monday morning.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Freedom Fest, Skidmore, Missouri

I know I have mentioned Skidmore, Missouri's Freedom Fest in the past. It is an event (Please Check The Link) that we attend every year. It gives you a chance to meet shake hands with and talk to (Honor) Veterans of some of our past wars. You meet people there that truly love their country. They will discuss it's problems with you and tell you what they think needs to be done to fix them, and their not running for office. They also want to hear your views, that proves their not running for office. In case you couldn't tell this is one of my favorite times of the year, you can't help but feel proud when your walking amongst this many heroes. This year there will be an added bonus for people that attend on Saturday September 10, Vietnam Veteran/Medal of Honor Recipient, Sammy Davis and Dixie Taylor will be getting married on the grounds. I'm sure you have heard of one of this years speakers, Adrian Cronauer, Robin Williams played the part of Adrian in the movie Good Morning Vietnam. One of our 13 year old Grand Daughters favorite parts is getting to see Col. Earl Hopper, a three war Veteran, she has been wearing a POW/MIA bracelet with his son's name on it since she was 5 years old. If you do get a chance to go to Freedom Fest I think you will find it is one of those things that kind of gets into your blood, you'll want to come back year after year.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Thursday, August 04, 2005

The New Trojan Horse

Here's another reason to support H.R. 800. I thought it was kind of strange that some of the anti gun legislators were so willing to support S.397. No wonder they gave up so easy, it has a provision than will ban most of your hunting ammunition. After you read about that please contact your United States Representatives and ask them to support H.R. 800 amendment free.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

H.R. 800

Just because S.397 was passed by the Senate doesn't mean the firearms and ammunition industry is safe. Please contact your United States Represtenatives and urge them to support H.R. 800 as it was written, amendment free . As it is most new hand guns come with a triger lock, there is no need for an amendment requiring them.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Gas Price In Your Area Update, 8/3/05

A week ago today I filled the tank. At that time mid grade gasoline cost $2.14 per gallon in Saint Joseph, Missouri (where I live). Today I had to fill the tank again. Today's price was $2.24 per gallon, pretty soon I get the feeling that I will be working to keep gas in the car to get back and forth from work. If you check the above link you can see what gas prices were in other areas a week ago. Please go to today's comment section and let us know what you are now paying for gasoline in your area.

I think I will start doing this every week just to keep track of gasoline prices across the country. Your help sure would be appreciated.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Child Protection and Home Safety Act of 2005

I just read an August 2, 2005, PRNewswire article that tells about legislation (the Child Protection and Home Safety Act of 2005) that would give gun owners a 25% tax credit toward the purchase of a qualified gun safe. If passed this legislation could prevent an accidental shooting by a child that found their parents weapon. It could also help keep firearms out of the hands of criminals that break into the homes of gun owners while they are away. The price of gun safes (there are lots of sites, I picked this one at random) is one of the things that stops some gun owners from having one. We purchased a home that had one built into it. If you have ever moved one it is not something you want to do again. I hope you will contact your elected officials and urge them to support this legislation.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Hanoi Jane Fonda's Coming Out Plans

Over the last few weeks I've read several articles about Jane Fonda's plans for a bus tour. The last one came for News Max online's Left Coast Report.

Jane Fonda's Greenie Anti-War Bus

Jane Fonda claims that war veterans she met on her nationwide book-signing tour have motivated her to speak out on the Iraq war.

Fonda will begin an anti-war tour, which will kick off in March and travel via bus.

"I've decided I coming out," Fonda said. "I have not taken a stand on any war since Vietnam. I carry a lot of baggage from that."

About the tour, she said, "I can't go into any detail except to say that it's going to be pretty exciting."

This is, of course, the same "concerned" citizen who in the 1970's headed over to Hanoi, played into the hands of the communists and accused POWs of committing war crimes.

With concern this time for the environment as well as tanks, Fonda assures everyone that the bus will not waste gasoline.

The anti-war touring vehicle will be powered by vegetable oil.

The Left Coast Report hears that for the leftover fuel Martha Stewart suggests a spring salad mix with a sprinkling of lemon vinaigrette.

With all of this talk about Jane's tour I started thinking about something. I wonder if Jane has another plan that she isn't talking about. Since we have so many former actors getting into politics now I wonder if Jane might be thinking about running for office in the future? That's just me, I haven't heard anything about this.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Check Out Widdecombe's Stop And Search Warning

England seems to be taking a different approach to fighting the war on terrorism. I heard about this, http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/men/news/s/167/167891_widdecombes_stop_and_search_warning.html while listening to Jerry Hughes at http://www.accentradionetwork.com/ yesterday. I like this approach to fighting the war on terrorism and wanted to share it with anyone that might have missed it. I hope you will check out the Accent Radio Network link to listen to Jerry and some other great programs online. Jerry is a great writer/talk show host, a supporter of the United States Constitution (and the Libertarian Party) and an old friend of mine. We met when he was speaking on Constitutional issues in Kansas City a few years ago. As far as I'm concerned if your not listening to Jerry your missing out on a good deal of the daily news.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Question Of The Week Follow Up

First I want to thank everyone that stopped by to answer yesterdays Question Of The Week. I said that I thought President Bush would appoint Bolton during the recess. I didn't think it would happen this soon. Thank you for the breaking news Joseph (http://theindependentliberal.blogspot.com) I had just got out of bed when I found your last comment to the Question Of The Week. Since then I have found a Newsday.com article on recess appointments you might find interesting, http://www.newsday.com/news/politics/wire/sns-ap-recess-appointments-glance,0,1206667.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines. It says that President Bush has now made 106 recess appointments. President Clinton made 140 while he was in office. President Daddy Bush made 77 and President Reagan topped everyone mentioned with 243 recess appointments. Presidents Washington and Kennedy each made one, and President Eisenhower made three. I do hope you will take the time to read the article.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic