Sunday, July 27, 2008

Question Of The Week, 7/27/08

Good morning. I guess I should be saying good afternoon, I'm running a little late. I have a good reason though. I went to work at 15:00 yesterday, worked an eight hour shift and my relief didn't show up. Our contract & company policy say I have to stay over for two hours in a case like this. I figure if I'm going to stay over I might as well make it worth while so I stay as long as the contract allows, four hours. I'm dragging today and I haven't even got the paper read so this weeks question will be one of my own.

As far as I know (Like I said I haven't read the paper yet) neither McCain or Obama have named their running mates (Choice for Vice President) yet. This weeks Question Of The Week is. Just how important is that to you? Could their choice of running mates effect your decision on voting for, or not voting for one of the two major/mainstream Presidential candidates?

I'll post my answer in the Comment Section Tuesday morning.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.


Blogger Praguetwin said...

It won't change my mind.

4:02 AM  
Blogger Always On Watch said...

As one can discern by reading my blog, I won't be voting for Obama.

Whether or not I vote for McCain will hinge on his running mate. Normally, I don't pay a lot of attention to the VP choice, but this time I am because McCain is a RINO (Republican In Name Only).

4:45 AM  
Blogger Steve Harkonnen said...

To be perfectly honest, I don't even think I'll bother wasting my time in the elections this year. It really doesn't matter because the candidate is probably already chosen.

8:02 AM  
Blogger David Schantz said...

First I want to thank you for stopping by to answer this weeks question, "Just how important is that to you? Could their choice of running mates effect your decision on voting for, or not voting for one of the two major/mainstream Presidential candidates?" It has been many elections since I have voted for a mainstream presidential candidate. I won't be voting for a major party candidate in 08. Yes I do feel that the running mate is important, and it could effect my vote if I was voting for one of the mainstream candidates. This is the person that will step up if something was to happen to the President.I wouldn't vote for a presidential candidate that had a running mate that I felt couldn't be trusted to keep their word/oath or that I opposed on important issues.

It doesn't seem to matter when I claim I'am going to post my answer, I'am always late. This week I've lost track of time/days. Business is so bad where I work that I was laid off for one day yesterday. I knew yesterday was not Tuesday morning so I didn't answer. Today I got busy and forgot.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Z said...

I still think not voting for McCain IS voting for Obama..let's face it, the numbers reflect that way..

Having said that, it doesn't REALLY matter who MCCain picks; if I hate who he chooses (like FLA Gov Crist), I'll have to hold my nose harder when I vote for McCain, that's for sure!

2:34 AM  
Blogger Katherine Thayer said...

Yes... It can change the voter's mind. Voters more positively evaluated vice presidential candidates who belonged to their demographic group. Also the elderly residents of consider this.

9:48 PM  

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