A Republic, if you can keep it

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cindy Arrested

I'm sure you all know that Cindy Sheehan and about 370 other protesters were arrested during the anti-war demonstration in the D.C. area. That made the main stream, but there was something you might have missed. Chuck and Mary Schantag of the P.O.W.NETWORK forwarded an E-mail they had received to me. It tells about some of the activities that took place during the demonstration that I haven't seen mentioned in the main stream reports. I'd like to share that E-mail with you. I want to add, I don't know the writer of the E-mail or the original recipient, but Chuck and Mary are old friends so I don't doubt the facts stated in the E-mail.

Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 10:21 AM
Subject: Events at the Wall, Saturday, 24 Sep 2005

Good Morning Holly,

As you are well aware, DC was impacted this past weekend by several demonstrations, one of which was mainly focused on the anti-war position of many.

The Wall was especially hard hit by these demonstrators.

As in the past, the words 'anti-war' and 'protestors' act as a magnet and draw them to the Wall. The last occurrence was during the Million Workers March last October.

But Saturday was particularly difficult. We had no National Park Service Rangers on duty to supplement 5 'Yellow Hats', one of whom, Vietnam Vet Bob Koch, traveled from Philadelphia just for the day to help out.

Through the efforts of a Nam Vet with connections at the 'pins and patches' stands, we were supplemented by 4 members of Star Touring & Riding Association, a local biker club, and half a dozen out-of-town Nam Vets who had come for a reunion and stayed with us all day.

In order to preserve the 'political neutrality' of the Wall as established by the VVMF, some of us were stationed at the West and East End of the walks to intercept the demonstrators and ask that they leave their banners, placards and signs on the benches before coming to the Wall.

Ninety-nine percent complied and were polite. That left the noisy, obnoxious, threatening one percent who made the day emotionally trying for all of us. One protester grabbed me by my shirt and was holding me personally responsible for the safety of her materials. I think a Vet called the Park Police to come to my assistance. It didn't escalate and I didn't file charges.

But that wasn't the only incident in which they were required.

We spotted a few demonstrators filming confrontational events at the West Walk and also some of whom who were wearing red berets and were overheard discussing strategy on their cell phones. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't material for future training films for future demonstrations.

The Nam Vets were splendid. Their tempers were challenged and there were verbal confrontations, but to realize that this was 'going down memory lane' again for these men was heartbreaking for me, but they persevered and came out perhaps winning some hearts and minds. I'm so proud of them and I don't even know their names. Some of them will be back, they reassured me.

Also evident was the wax damage and residue left from a candlelight vigil Friday night headed by 'Cindy' someone who has camped outside President Bush's' ranch all summer. There are grease spots and green and red wax everywhere.

Our newest 'Yellow Hat' had harassment charges brought against him by a protestor. This Volunteer had only just begun his service at the Wall the weekend of 17 Sep. He's an active duty Navy Seabee in Washington.

Our coverage of the Wall began as early as 0730 and Allen McCabe and I finally walked off-site at 1800, exhausted.

What's my purpose in writing you? In my over 1900 hours at the Wall since January 2002, there have been a few incidents that left negative impressions on me, but nothing to equal this.

I'm perplexed at the inability of the National Park Service to provide sufficient Ranger coverage during these demonstrations. I don't even feel there is an NPS Management official I could contact. I have had frequent conversations with dissatisfied Rangers who claim management inaptitude. I saw it this past Saturday.

If Jan and the Board are at all interested in the quality of life at the Wall, and ensuring that these demoralizing demonstrations are held in check to preserve the sanctity and emotional privacy of returning Nam Vets and Families, then I feel he should read this.

The rest is up to him, the Board and ultimately the National Park Service.

I'm just a Yellow Hat at the grunt level but I don't shy from confrontations to ensure that the visiting Nam Vet has an environment in which to make his peace with his fallen Brothers.


Betty Henry

The author of the E-mail mentions her purpose for writing it, so I'll mention my reason for posting it. I suppose the purpose of the demonstration was to get support for the anti-war movement. If I'm right I think the protesters have failed. You don't get respect by showing a lack of respect for others and that's what the protestors have done. They have shown a disrespect for the names on the Wall, their friends families and loved ones. May God Bless every name on the Wall and everyone they left behind.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Monday, September 26, 2005

Conspiracy Raps

I've never been a fan of Rap Music (if that's what you want to call it) but I found something interesting when I stopped by the Federal Observer after work last night. I've always liked columns written by Louis Turner. After reading this one I'm thinking that if Louis ever decides to give up writing he could go on to become a big time Rap Star. I might enjoy hearing those lyrics put to some thumping sounds coming from the car next to me at the intersection. They make a lot more sense than most of the stuff that is being passed of as music.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Question Of The Week, 9/25/05

It seems like we have been reading about hurricanes for about a month now. I'm thinking that a months worth of articles about devastation, local, state and federal governments reaction time to a disaster and the ugly side of human nature should have taught America a very important lesson. So, this weeks Question Of The Week is. Did this years hurricane season teach us anything, if it did, what would that be? I'll post my answer in the comment section Monday night.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Jury Duty

I got one of those notices in the mail the other day. The kind that tells you that you might be needed in the near future. I guess I better re-read one of my favorite little books. I have a copy that will fit into your shirt pocket. I think one of the most important books you could ever read is 'The Citizens Rule Book, Jury Handbook'. Anyone getting ready for jury duty needs to study it.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Question Of The Week, 9/18/05

Good morning. It almost seems like the only thing that has been in the news so far this month has been Katrina and New Orleans. It's given all of us a reason to think about disaster preparedness planning. I read two articles about disaster plans this morning while I was deciding what this weeks question would be. The first one, from Newsday.com, Mayors Agree to Disaster Plan Review Order tells about mayors from larger cities that are concerned about another Katrina-size disaster. The second article comes from my local paper, the St. Joseph News-Press, Missouri River levees gaining attention. In 1993 the levee failed to hold the river back. The small town of Elwood, Kansas, just across the river from Saint Joseph, Missouri was pretty much wiped out. I don't think it's just the big cities that should have an emergency disaster plan, the flood of 93 proved that Elwood, Kansas needs one too. Each of us should also have a plan of our own. I don't mean a what to do if the house catches fire plan. I mean what if there are no utilities, drinkable water or effective law enforcement. This weeks Question Of The Week is actually several questions. (1) Does the city or town you live in have an emergency disaster (evacuation) plan? (2) If it does, have you read it? (3) If you have do you feel it is a workable (good) plan? (4) Do you have a disaster plan of your own that covers what to do if you are left without drinkable water, utilities or effective law enforcement? I'll post my answers in the Comment Section Monday.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Special Day

Tomorrow September, 16, 2005 will be a special day. Chances are there won't be a lot of articles in the main stream news about National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Our elected officials don't want to talk about the soldiers that we have left behind after every war we have ever been involved in.The main stream media has swept the issue under the rug, they don't want to upset their friends in government. There are some organizations that have put a lot of time into finding out what became of our lost sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, husbands and wives. They are there to support the families of the missing. They have meetings with and write letters to our elected officials and ask them the questions they'd rather not answer.I hope you will take a little time this September 16th to visit the National Alliance Of Families, the P.O.W. NETWORK, and Task Force Omega to learn more about their efforts. Chances are you have never heard of Galen Francis Humphrey. I've worn a bracelet with his name on it for several years now. A few years ago I had decided to support a lady for a seat on our city council. When she came out to put a campaign sign in my yard we were talking and she started to cry. She pointed to my bracelet and said, "that's my Father". That made my bracelet mean a little more. I will be wearing it until the United States Government convinces me that they have brought him home. If you have a POW/MIA Flag please fly it proudly, tomorrow and every day.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Safe At Home

On September 3, 2005 I posted a message about four Saint Joseph, Missouri Police Officers that volunteered to go to New Orleans to help Katrina's victims,"Admire Their Courage". An article in today's St. Joseph News-Press tells that the four officers have made it home with no problems. The article tells about some of the things they saw while they were in New Orleans. I don't think it was quite what they had expected, "A man parking a pickup in Louisiana last week had this to say about four St. Joseph Police Department officers who volunteered to help in New Orleans. "We sure do appreciate what you're doing, but you're really crazy for going down there," Detective Gary Murphy recalled." I've read some articles and heard news reports about law enforcement officers from other parts of the country that volunteered to help. I've heard some of them were no better than the thugs and looters they were supposed to protect the citizens from. I'm happy to hear that these four officers did a good job of representing Saint Joseph, Missouri while they were in the New Orleans area. Thank God they made it home safely.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Some Good Came

We all remember what happened four years ago yesterday. Yesterdays Question Of The Week ask how well you remember your first thoughts when you heard about the attack on the World Trade Center. I finally got around to posting my answer in the comment section of that post if your interested. Some good things that you might not have heard about happened on 9/11/01. This St. Joseph News-Press (Saint Joseph, Missouri) article tells about one of them, the birth of Jacob Huerta. Jacob is the second child of our friends, Jack and Shelly Huerta. Jack, a Texas born Hispanic has come to believe that free trade and wide open borders are a very serious problem. If you read the article you'll see that Jacobs Mother plans to teach him all about what happened on the day of his birth. I'm sure that Jacob was not the only child born on that day, I hope the parents of the others will teach their children about the events of that historic day. With help and guidance maybe some of them will become tomorrows leaders.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Question Of The Week, 9/11/05

I'm sure we can all remember what happened on 9/11/01. This weeks Question Of The Week is, How well do you remember your first thoughts when you heard that the World Trade Center had been attacked? Please share some of your first thoughts. I'll post my answer in the comment section Monday.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Why Keep Going

We made our annual trip up to Skidmore, Missouri's Freedom Fest Saturday. It's held to honor the Veterans of all of the wars we have ever been involved in. Every year the speakers spend a lot of time talking about something that has became a hot topic around our house, POW/MIA issues. I know a lot of people feel this is a waste of time. They are convinced that our government has done all that it can, and any one that was taken prisoner or went missing has got to be dead by now. They can't understand why I would take the time to write my elected officials about POW/MIA issues or attend events like Freedom Fest. Every year one of the speakers at Freedom Fest is Patricia Hopper of TASK FORCE OMEGA INC. She is the wife of a three war Veteran and the Step-Mother of a POW. I think she explains that here. If someone is abducted in the United States an investigation might drag out for years even if most of the evidence says the victim is dead. The families want proof of death for closure. Why should the families of our POWs & MIAs except less? One of the participants in this years Veterans Round Table (discussion) said that people he works with are getting tired of hearing him say "get er done". He told this to a friend that told him "Modo Fac" is Latin for "get er done". As far as I'm concerned the United States government has failed to provide the families of our POWs and MIAs with the evidence they need and deserve for closure. Until they Modo Fac I will continue writing letters to my elected officials about POW/MIA issues and attending events like Freedom Fest.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Next Nominee Will Be?

Gun Owners Of America has sent out an e-mail alert urging everyone to contact President Bush and ask him to nominate a true constitutionalist to fill the vacant United States Supreme Court seat. I feel the recent Kelo V. New London decision should show us just how important that is, not just to firearms owners but to all United States citizens. I hope you will read the (above) message and take action.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Katrina Hero

Jerry Hughes was talking about something I had missed on his Accent Radio Network program today. Since Katrina struck I have seen lots of finger pointing and blame passing articles. I had never heard of Mr. Jabbar Gibson until I heard Jerry's program today. It has been reported that Mr. Gibson who had never driven a buss stole one and used it to pick up storm victims. He then drove his buss load of passengers to the Astrodome in Huston, Texas. In my eyes Mr. Gibson is a true hero, one that should be remembered for years to come for the action he took to save lives. You will find several more links here, some tell that Mr. Gibson may be facing criminal charges for his action. Others show photos of parked busses that Mr. Gibson's action proves could and should have been put to use. I pray that Mr. Gibson is not hauled into court for doing something that the state, local and federal governments were not getting done. If he is I hope his passengers and good people all across this country will come to his aid. God Bless Mr. Jabbar Gibson.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Five Minutes Of Your Time And Your Thoughts

I was wondering if I could possibly get you to sit for five minutes and watch some numbers change at this site and then tell me if you feel legally owned firearms in the hands of private citizens helps stop crime. Please don't just voice your opinion without spending five minutes watching as the numbers change first, you might be surprised by what you see there.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Question Of The Week, 9/4/05

I lost track of what day this is, so I'm a little (lot) late. So I will make it short. This weeks Question Of The Week is. Now that President Bush will be nominating a second Supreme Court Justice will our Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales be the next nominee? I will post my answer in the comment section Monday.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Freedom Fest

I got an e-mail today that contains a poem, I'd read it before. It's one of those that your ask to pass on to your friends. This one has been around for a while, there is a March, 2003 date with the author of the poems name. The poem seems to take on a little more meaning right now. Maybe its because we will be going to Skidmore, Missouri's Freedom Fest next week. It's an annual event that we attend every year to honor the Veterans of all of the wars we have ever been involved in. It's something I wish everyone of you could attend. Since the fourth anniversary of the World Trade Center attack will be next Sunday I'm sure some time will be set aside to remember it's victims. Since Hurricane Katrina seems to be the top news story at this time I'm sure that some of the speakers at this years Freedom Fest will take the time to offer a public prayer for it's victims. Back to that e-mail. I would like to share the poem with you just in case you have never seen it.

We all came together,
Both young and old
To fight for freedom,
To stand and be bold.

In the midst of all evil,
We stand our ground,
And we protect our country
From all terror around.

Peace and not war,
Is what some people say,
But I'll give my life,
So you can live the American way.

I give you the right
To talk of peace.
To stand in your groups
and protest in our streets.

But still I fight on,
I don't bitch, I don't whine.
I'm just one of the people
Who is doing your time.

I'm harder than nails,
Stronger than any machine.
I'm the immortal soldier,
I'm a U.S. MARINE!

So stand in my shoes,
And leave from your home.
Fight for the people who hate you,
With the protest they've shown.

Fight for the stranger,
Fight for the young.
So they all may have,
The greatest freedom you've won.

Fight for the sick,
Fight for the poor
Fight for the cripple,
Who lives next door.

But when your time comes,
Do what I've done.
For if you stand up for freedom,
You'll stand when the fight's done.

By: Corporal Aaron M. Gilbert, US Marine Corps


March 23, 2003

I don't know if Corporal Gilbert made it home safely or not, I pray that he did. I hope that each of you will take every chance you get to thank a United States Veteran.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Admire Their Courage

After reading about all the crimes that are now taking place in New Orleans I can't help but admire the courage of the four un-named Saint Joseph, Missouri Police Officers mentioned in this St. Joseph News-Press article. These four officers have volunteered to go into a very dangerous situation. A few years ago Saint Joseph, Missouri adopted the motto, "St. Joe. Proud", this should give Saint Joseph residents a new reason to feel proud. The four officers will be in our thoughts and prayers along with the storms victims until we hear of their safe return.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

The U. S. National Debt Clock

Every Saturday I check on and record the national debt. It is interesting to look back from time to time to see how it has changed (increased)through out the year. Today the U.S. National Debt Clock says the national debt is, $7,946,194,900,458.22. It says the estimated population of the United States is now 297,065,041. So if every United States citizen including new-born children would write a check for $26,749.01 the national debt would be wiped out. It should be interesting to see how Katrina will effect those numbers over the next couple of months. Please continue to pray for the storms victims.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.