There has just been something about Tony Blankley that I have liked for a long time. So I wanted to read his August 30, 2006 column,
"The bacteria of stupidity" before I went to bed this morning. Even before I got to the part in the column that says, "We have all been attacked by the bacteria of stupidity.""We have lost our sense of direction and we don't know where we're headed." I had started to think this is not just a regional thing he is talking about here, this is a world wide epidemic. I think this bacteria effects people in different parts of the world differently. For instance, every election year here in the United States it could cause people to make comments like, "Well I'm just going to vote for the lesser of the two evils",(they feel they can't vote for a candidate that doesn't have a Rep. or Dem. before their name) and really believe they have no other choice. That doesn't mean these people are stupid, it just means the bacteria is starting to effect them. I believe it can be beat. It will take some hard work on your part if you have started to feel it's effects. What I feel you need to do is sit down and read every article you can find on independent or third party candidates. Find out what their positions are on issues that interest you. Study the platforms of the third parties, see if you agree with them. Then when Election Day rolls around see if you still have that uncontrollable urge to vote for a candidate just because of that Dem. or Rep. before their name.
If you know of any other antidotes or home remedies for this fast moving bacteria please leave them in the Comment Section. I'm afraid there is very little time left before it becomes unstoppable.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.