Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Go After Those That Give Aid

I do support the idea of going after employers that knowingly hire illegal aliens, but I'd take it just a little farther. The illegal alien issue is not about a few that slip across the border from time to time. We (our country) are being invaded. We should be going after everyone that gives them aid. Go after the landlords that provide them with housing and the automobile sales men that provide them with transportation. If we prosecute those that give aid to the illegal aliens word will soon get back to the ones that are planning on entering the country illegally. There is no better life in the United States unless you enter the country legally.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! Jail time for those bastards that feed and shelter the poor! Any doctor that treats an illegal should be summarily thrown in jail! Same for teachers! Fight for a White America! USA! USA! USA!

8:20 PM  
Blogger Praguetwin said...

I think that goes to far. Respecfullly, they should go after the employers, but to..

Go after the landlords that provide them with housing and the automobile sales men that provide them with transportation.

Well, to me that smacks of facism, and facism is wrong no matter what the reason. As soon as you do that, then layers of bureaucracy start to impose on my life, and eat up my free time.

Illegal or not, even prisoners get a roof over their head. Should we really be punishing the people who provide a basic human service? Sure, crack down on a slum lord or two for health violations, but don't put people in jail for letting their aunt stay with them. That is just bad policy. How about the other story about the people and the restaurant? Were they bad people? No. Did they put a strain on the economy? No, they actually helped it by providing gainful employment for people. Paid taxes, obeyed the other laws.

I'm not condoning it, but I'm not going to vilify it either. There needs to be, as in all things, some balance. As much as I hate amnesty, the reality of the problem is that you can't throw them all out without creating a humanitarian crisis, and an economic meltdown.

I'm sorry, I'm going to stop rambling now, but really, a car dealer? Crashing at your aunt's house? I hope you will reconsider those. Let's start with the actual criminal gangs and work our way up. Deal?

12:08 PM  

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