Senate Bill 1973 – Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2012
I hadn't heard of Senate Bill 1973 – Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2012 until this evening. Because of the bills name, Gun Trafficking Prevention Act of 2012 I thought maybe it was something to prevent something like Operation Fast & Furious from ever happening again. Seeing the names Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. LAUTENBERG, and Mr.
KERRY on the bill should have told me there was more to the bill than that.
After I started reading S.B. 1973 I got the feeling that it could be something to be used against the licensed firearms dealers that the BATF duped into helping them with Operation Fast & Furious now that they (the BATF) might need to lock them (the firearms dealers) away to shut them up.
The bill (if passed) will clearly give more power to the Attorney General and the BATF. The same folks that brought us Operation Fast & Furious (a criminal operation)which cost God only knows how many innocent lives. Something needs to be done to stop anything like Fast & Furious from ever happening again but S.B. 1973 isn't it. Please contact your United States Senators and urge them to oppose S.B. 1973.
Thanks go to:
Human Events
Free Republic
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
KERRY on the bill should have told me there was more to the bill than that.
After I started reading S.B. 1973 I got the feeling that it could be something to be used against the licensed firearms dealers that the BATF duped into helping them with Operation Fast & Furious now that they (the BATF) might need to lock them (the firearms dealers) away to shut them up.
The bill (if passed) will clearly give more power to the Attorney General and the BATF. The same folks that brought us Operation Fast & Furious (a criminal operation)which cost God only knows how many innocent lives. Something needs to be done to stop anything like Fast & Furious from ever happening again but S.B. 1973 isn't it. Please contact your United States Senators and urge them to oppose S.B. 1973.
Thanks go to:
Human Events
Free Republic
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.