Monday, October 03, 2005

I Was Mistaken

I was mistaken. How often can you say that and be happy about it? I was really concerned about who the next Supreme Court nominee would be. I was afraid that President Bush would nominate Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales who had this to say about Harriet Miers. I haven't heard a lot about Harriet Miers so I feel there are a lot of questions to be answered. If she does become a Supreme Court Justice I hope and pray she is someone that will interpret the Constitution as it was written and not someone that will try to change it to fit the mood of the day.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.


Blogger Always On Watch said...

I hope and pray she is someone that will interpret the Constitution as it was written and not someone that will try to change it to fit the mood of the day. Such was the intentions of our Founders. SCOTUS is a political football now, and that is a disgrace. Too many lawyers, who often later become judges, are loose contructionists. Maybe GWB's latest nomination to SCOTUS is not.

7:29 AM  
Blogger Katherine Thayer said...

President Bush select John Glover Roberts Jr. Please check this out

4:24 AM  

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